Sunday, December 11, 2011


So I stink at blogging.  I knew it when I started this blog.  A few years ago I tried to start a family blog... it ended up with one post on it.  I decided to start this one because our case worker told us that word of mouth was the best way to hopefully speed up the adoption process.  We want to add to our family so badly and I know that means I need to be better at keeping up with our blog.  So here goes (although short and sweet)...

Thanksgiving was wonderful.  We had 10 people over from Michael's office.  Most of them were single and had nowhere to go for Thanksgiving dinner.  Everyone brought something and we had a TON of food.  One girl named Meg was here and she just doted on Lily.  It really warmed my heart to see Lily so happy amid a large group of adults.  She didn't feel left out or like she needed to cling to me at all.  Lily had a Thanksgiving lunch at school.  She borrowed a dress from Keira's sister so that she and Keira could match.  Aren't they cute??
On December 1st, Lily had her preschool Christmas program.  I wasn't able to get any good pictures during it, but we got some great ones of her posing before and after. 

Last night we had a Christmas party at church.  Lily was SO excited for it.  She loves crowds and parties and noise.   She even got to take a picture with Santa!!  Before the party though, we had to unpack the box that came from Nana and put the gifts under our tree.

So that's my quick update.  All is well in our home.  We're happy and healthy and looking forward to this amazing Christmas season.